Friday, August 6, 2010

Not in Kansas Anymore

So my blog took a summer break.  Now, that it is August again, I think it's time to get back into things.  In the past few months, I have watched all of the seasons of Bones and The Office, attempted an impossible puzzle (Starry Night) and played a lot of board games.

Sunday, I made the move to Florida.  I will be starting Physical Therapy School at UF in a couple weeks!  The road trip to Gainesville took 2 days.  The first day, we stopped four times in the first five hours... not very efficient!  We made it to Nashville that night, but were too tired to stalk any country singers or do any other fun Nashville things.  Maybe next time!  Day two was a little faster.  Once we got to Gainesville, we made a Target/Walmart run and started unpacking my stuff.

The next day, we wandered around campus.  First, we tried to drive.  When finding a parking spot was unsuccessful, we just decided to walk!  After getting yelled at by a cop for taking a picture of a building, we finally found where my classes will be and the union.  Sweaty and disgusting, we went to the bookstore to get some Gator gear and ate some lunch.  We considered walking around more of campus, but decide that it was a little too hot for that.  After a quick cleanup, we headed to the mall.  Then, I successfully got my wireless internet and TV hooked up and we headed to dinner.  

Wednesday, we went to St. Augustine Beach!  Kaleigh attempted to make a sandcastle and we played in the waves.  We picked up a few seashells and accidentally soaked our towels when the tide came in.  Oops!  After an afternoon of sun, our sandy, burnt bodies headed back to Gainesville.

My mom and Kaleigh left Thursday morning to head back to Kansas.  My roommate and I went to Walmart and I got some groceries.  Last night, we went to Chili's for her Birthday.  Upon seeing my Kansas ID, the server said "Oh!  You're not in Kansas anymore!"  Original...

Anyways, the next couple weeks I will be enjoying the sun and relaxing.  I'll keep ya updated on my life in Florida!

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