Saturday, February 27, 2010

Recipes and DDPs

So I gave up sweets for lent.  This is my third year of doing so.  (The first year I found myself eating candy the next day before I realized what I was doing... oops)  Last year, though, I successfully turned down cookies, cake, and candy until Easter.  So far, I have held strong!  It can be hard at my internship (patients really love to bake treats for their physical therapists).  Other than that I haven't had too much temptation.

I have, however, been bookmarking some great dessert recipes that I am definitely going to try mid-April.  A friend told me about and I have been spending a little less time facebook stalking and a little more time staring at food.  It is a website that has multiple food blogs with sweet looking recipes.  Yum.

Another thing that has been keeping me satisfied has been Sonic.  Happy Hour is truly one of the great joys in life.  Half price bevs are right up there alongside the first warm days of spring and being front row at a KU basketball game.  My personal fave is the Diet. Dr. Pepper with Vanilla, or as I like to call it, the DVDP.  Yes, I'm drinking one right now.  Yes, I get one whenever I get done with my internship a few minutes early.  Yes, sometimes I switch it up.  Every once in awhile I will add some cherry for a DCVDP.  Once, I mistakenly got a DCDP.  Yes, it was still delicious.

And with that, I must go.  KU is down by almost 20 points right now and they need my entire focus to be on cheering.

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you for giving up sweets for Lent. But--I do have a question for you. Jodi and I were discussing the addition of "vanilla" and/or "cherry" in your Dr. Pepper. Does this not count as "sweets"? And, if you watch the Diet Dr. Pepper commercials, then we would have to consider your DDP a sweet as well.

    It's all right. We still love you even if you are cheating a little!

    Love, Aunt Jacque
