Saturday, January 23, 2010

No Homework

I'm thoroughly enjoying my first Saturday of not having homework.  Basketball games all day?  Yes.  Nap?  Yes.  Twilight?  Double Yes.  Speaking of Twilight, if Robert Pattinson (who plays Edward in Twilight and Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter) had been a vampire in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, would he have survived the avada kedavra curse?  I've given this much thought and I believe that he would survive.  Why?  1)  He can run faster than the curse travels.  2)  He would probably take out Voldemort before the curse is even made and 3)  I'm pretty sure that curse couldn't penetrate vampire skin.  Here is what some others think on the topic.

Fact:  Smoking one cigarette takes 11 minutes off of your life.  Good thing I've never done it.  (Source:  TV commercial for "Final Smoke" so I'm sure it's very accurate)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Are You G?

Front row seats to KU basketball games are rarer than K-State beating Texas.  Surprisingly, I experienced both events this week.  I can't personally vouch for how it feels to claim a victory over the number one team in the nation, but what I can do is let you in on how it feels to be front and center.  Literally.  Center.  As KU took on the Baylor Bears, my seat was directly behind the basketball goal.  Which was awesome... until the ball travelled inside the three-point line.  Then I had to frantically figure out what the heck happened as I strained my neck to the side.  (Really, is it necessary for those posts to be so thick?)
Despite my struggles, the experience was still pretty dang awesome.  Best part?  Getting to pick the free throw distraction when the other team shoots.  I have always wondered who gets to make the big decision that is a vital factor in the outcome of the game.  Those front row people.  The distraction I picked when it came my turn was unsuccessful.  Mark another point down for Baylor.  Speaking of free throw distractions, the Bears' coach had the audacity to be yelling as KU shot free throws.  Am I wrong on this, or is that something that a coach should have the respect not to do?  I thought that being rude during free throws was something reserved for the immature mouths of college students (particularly those in the front row).  Either way, I thought he was a meanie.
Second best part:  old woman below us who kept yelling profanities at the referees.
Third best part:  Being able to pound on the front barrier during cheers.  It definitely beats the redundancy of clapping hands.
Fourth best part:  Gatorade's "Are You G?" campaign.  Seriously?  I can imagine how this idea came to be.  Some middle-aged men talking at a board meeting about the new slogan.  One man (I like to picture my dad) brings up what "kids these days" are saying.  Hence, "Are you G?" is created.  I understand.  HOWEVER, how in the world did this idea make it to the Fieldhouse?  Does Gatorade not employ anyone under the age of forty?  Did no one think to consider that this slogan is equivalent to talking about "that world wide web" or adults over-using text lingo?  After their failed attempt at being "hip," I have a new idea.  I expect this man to be featured next year...
As a conclusion (I feel like I am writing an essay for AP English), front row seats=awesome (now I feel like I am making a facebook post).  And I must admit, I looked up the KSU-TX record and it was actually not so atrocious.  Wildcats are winning the series 11-9 (don't worry, KU still leads K-State at 177-90).  My front row record is slightly less stellar.  I am 2/76 in my four years here.  
And... it's about my bedtime.  Just another reason why I'm

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Monster Cookies and Hamster Poop

I don't have much time tonight since I promised myself I would be in bed by 10 when I have to get up so early for my internship (it's already 10:25).  That being said, I completely forgot a random factoid yesterday, so here are two:

My hamster eats poop.
I am terrible at baking.

For anyone who has dared to eat my cookies, cakes, or brownies, I apologize.  As a baker, my strategy is to pour first, check later.  This, as you may guess, tends to end badly.  Over the years, my baked goods have managed to nearly gag my grandma and finish off my friends.  I have added too much flour, forgotten to double certain parts of recipes, and remembered a little too late that a mixer, cookie sheet or vanilla is crucial for the success of my final product.  
Monster cookies are a delicious combination of everything from peanut butter and chocolate chips to M&Ms and oatmeal.  Yesterday, I combined half of the ingredients for my monster cookies before realizing that I was getting a very large blob.  Too large.  Upon second glance I realized that the recipe makes six DOZEN cookies.  I have two roommates.  What in the world am I going to do with 72 cookies?  
Now that it is officially way past my bedtime, I will have to save the hamster fun facts for another day.  To keep it short and sweet, her name is Rascal, she is ginormous and she eats poop.  If you think I am the only person over the age of eleven that still enjoys having a pet rodent, you are mistaken.  My sister has one too.  Just another reason we are


P.S.  Everyone is invited over and has a three cookie quota to fill.

Monday, January 18, 2010

What the Fog?

So Kansas weather is known to be unpredictable.  Thus, I am not the least bit surprised when it is 7 degrees outside one morning and I can go to the pool the next afternoon.   However, when I can't see three feet in front of me morning after morning, night after night, I begin to wonder... What the fog?  Why does this constant haze continue to engulf Kansas?  Here are a few theories:
Kelly Stroda's theory (I sure wish I could tag people like on the FB right now):  The plate tectonics under the earth decided to have a party.  Things got so crazy that things shifted and now Lawrence is over where Seattle used to be.
My theory:  Dementors.  What else could explain the erie feeling fog brings about?  (If you don't know what a dementor is, you can borrow my Harry Potter books.)  The thicker the fog, the closer the dementors.  Don't worry, an easy solution is to yell "expecto patronum" and watch your patronus clear the fog (and dementors) away.  My patronus is shaped like a hamster in case you were wondering.  If you still have no idea what I'm talking about, I am sorely disappointed.
Wikipedia's theory (copy and paste because I don't know how to make a link):
Ok, now that we have our options, I'm going to attempt to make a poll so you can vote for which theory you think is correct.  We'll see how that works out as my blogging knowledge is still pretty limited.  I can't figure out how to double space SOO sorry about the big blob of text.  It has been a mere 24 hours since my first blog and I already have two followers.  That is two more people than usually listen to my daily ramblings, so I consider this a huge success.
Until next time, 
I'm so much cooler online.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Little Bit of Life

Once upon a time (yesterday to be specific), I decided to start a blog.  Why, you ask?  Well, I have some free time on my hands due to the fact that I have an internship this semester and no homework.
It is 2 days into the semester and I have already considered taking up knitting, quilting and a variety of other time consuming activities.  I have already Facebook stalked everyone I know (yes, including you) and my knowledge base is getting a little creepy.  I have already done every Sporcle quiz out there and watched so many episodes of Criminal Minds and NCIS that I am on a government watch list for suspected serial killers.
Who cares, you ask?  That is an interesting one.  And the answer is, mom, you may be the only one.  At least I know I'll have one dedicated follower.
But the real reason for this blog is not because of boredom or keeping my family updated on the happenings of my very exciting life.  There is no specific subject matter or interesting topic at hand.  Basically, it comes down to the fact that I am so much cooler online.
That said, here are the rules for my blog:
1)  No criticizing my writing skills - I haven't had an English class since high school so don't blame me if my vocabulary is lousy and my use of hyphens and parenthesis is whack.  That being said, I promise never to mess up on your/you're and there/their/they're.
2)  Also, I think I'm gonna have a thought of the day.  This may be a question, random thought or idea.  It may be a haiku, pick up line, movie quote (probably from Elf) or joke.  Get excited.
3)  That is all for now.  I'll make up the rest as I go.