Saturday, January 23, 2010

No Homework

I'm thoroughly enjoying my first Saturday of not having homework.  Basketball games all day?  Yes.  Nap?  Yes.  Twilight?  Double Yes.  Speaking of Twilight, if Robert Pattinson (who plays Edward in Twilight and Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter) had been a vampire in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, would he have survived the avada kedavra curse?  I've given this much thought and I believe that he would survive.  Why?  1)  He can run faster than the curse travels.  2)  He would probably take out Voldemort before the curse is even made and 3)  I'm pretty sure that curse couldn't penetrate vampire skin.  Here is what some others think on the topic.

Fact:  Smoking one cigarette takes 11 minutes off of your life.  Good thing I've never done it.  (Source:  TV commercial for "Final Smoke" so I'm sure it's very accurate)

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