Thursday, January 21, 2010

Are You G?

Front row seats to KU basketball games are rarer than K-State beating Texas.  Surprisingly, I experienced both events this week.  I can't personally vouch for how it feels to claim a victory over the number one team in the nation, but what I can do is let you in on how it feels to be front and center.  Literally.  Center.  As KU took on the Baylor Bears, my seat was directly behind the basketball goal.  Which was awesome... until the ball travelled inside the three-point line.  Then I had to frantically figure out what the heck happened as I strained my neck to the side.  (Really, is it necessary for those posts to be so thick?)
Despite my struggles, the experience was still pretty dang awesome.  Best part?  Getting to pick the free throw distraction when the other team shoots.  I have always wondered who gets to make the big decision that is a vital factor in the outcome of the game.  Those front row people.  The distraction I picked when it came my turn was unsuccessful.  Mark another point down for Baylor.  Speaking of free throw distractions, the Bears' coach had the audacity to be yelling as KU shot free throws.  Am I wrong on this, or is that something that a coach should have the respect not to do?  I thought that being rude during free throws was something reserved for the immature mouths of college students (particularly those in the front row).  Either way, I thought he was a meanie.
Second best part:  old woman below us who kept yelling profanities at the referees.
Third best part:  Being able to pound on the front barrier during cheers.  It definitely beats the redundancy of clapping hands.
Fourth best part:  Gatorade's "Are You G?" campaign.  Seriously?  I can imagine how this idea came to be.  Some middle-aged men talking at a board meeting about the new slogan.  One man (I like to picture my dad) brings up what "kids these days" are saying.  Hence, "Are you G?" is created.  I understand.  HOWEVER, how in the world did this idea make it to the Fieldhouse?  Does Gatorade not employ anyone under the age of forty?  Did no one think to consider that this slogan is equivalent to talking about "that world wide web" or adults over-using text lingo?  After their failed attempt at being "hip," I have a new idea.  I expect this man to be featured next year...
As a conclusion (I feel like I am writing an essay for AP English), front row seats=awesome (now I feel like I am making a facebook post).  And I must admit, I looked up the KSU-TX record and it was actually not so atrocious.  Wildcats are winning the series 11-9 (don't worry, KU still leads K-State at 177-90).  My front row record is slightly less stellar.  I am 2/76 in my four years here.  
And... it's about my bedtime.  Just another reason why I'm

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