Monday, January 18, 2010

What the Fog?

So Kansas weather is known to be unpredictable.  Thus, I am not the least bit surprised when it is 7 degrees outside one morning and I can go to the pool the next afternoon.   However, when I can't see three feet in front of me morning after morning, night after night, I begin to wonder... What the fog?  Why does this constant haze continue to engulf Kansas?  Here are a few theories:
Kelly Stroda's theory (I sure wish I could tag people like on the FB right now):  The plate tectonics under the earth decided to have a party.  Things got so crazy that things shifted and now Lawrence is over where Seattle used to be.
My theory:  Dementors.  What else could explain the erie feeling fog brings about?  (If you don't know what a dementor is, you can borrow my Harry Potter books.)  The thicker the fog, the closer the dementors.  Don't worry, an easy solution is to yell "expecto patronum" and watch your patronus clear the fog (and dementors) away.  My patronus is shaped like a hamster in case you were wondering.  If you still have no idea what I'm talking about, I am sorely disappointed.
Wikipedia's theory (copy and paste because I don't know how to make a link):
Ok, now that we have our options, I'm going to attempt to make a poll so you can vote for which theory you think is correct.  We'll see how that works out as my blogging knowledge is still pretty limited.  I can't figure out how to double space SOO sorry about the big blob of text.  It has been a mere 24 hours since my first blog and I already have two followers.  That is two more people than usually listen to my daily ramblings, so I consider this a huge success.
Until next time, 
I'm so much cooler online.

1 comment:

  1. I can change my vote anytime! Can't you block that? I think Fog over Kansas is God's way of Natural Selection.
