Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Monster Cookies and Hamster Poop

I don't have much time tonight since I promised myself I would be in bed by 10 when I have to get up so early for my internship (it's already 10:25).  That being said, I completely forgot a random factoid yesterday, so here are two:

My hamster eats poop.
I am terrible at baking.

For anyone who has dared to eat my cookies, cakes, or brownies, I apologize.  As a baker, my strategy is to pour first, check later.  This, as you may guess, tends to end badly.  Over the years, my baked goods have managed to nearly gag my grandma and finish off my friends.  I have added too much flour, forgotten to double certain parts of recipes, and remembered a little too late that a mixer, cookie sheet or vanilla is crucial for the success of my final product.  
Monster cookies are a delicious combination of everything from peanut butter and chocolate chips to M&Ms and oatmeal.  Yesterday, I combined half of the ingredients for my monster cookies before realizing that I was getting a very large blob.  Too large.  Upon second glance I realized that the recipe makes six DOZEN cookies.  I have two roommates.  What in the world am I going to do with 72 cookies?  
Now that it is officially way past my bedtime, I will have to save the hamster fun facts for another day.  To keep it short and sweet, her name is Rascal, she is ginormous and she eats poop.  If you think I am the only person over the age of eleven that still enjoys having a pet rodent, you are mistaken.  My sister has one too.  Just another reason we are


P.S.  Everyone is invited over and has a three cookie quota to fill.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Monster cookies and hamster poop all in one post. There are no words . . .

    Actually, I must disagree with you. You are not terrible at baking. You just tend to get distracted. I can't disagree with the statement about your hamster eating poop because I have personally witnessed this. It's gross.
